The 2016 Presidential Election
In light of recent events, namely the results of the 2016 presidential election, it is our responsibility to process and discuss what has happened. We find that today, the morning […]
2016-2017 MSA President
My name is Mohammad Ashkar and I am the President of the Muslim Students’ Association. I hope to make this a very eventful and beneficial year for both the general […]
Welcome Back, Welcome Anew, or Welcome For the First Time!
It’s a new academic year! This means a lot of “welcoming” is in order. Of course we welcome back all the great students, faculty, and staff that were a wonderful […]
Bleeding Orange
Thank you so much for the opportunity to allow me to talk about my experiences as a Muslim at Syracuse University. I am a junior at iSchool pursuing a bachelors […]
My Life at SU
My name is Mohammad Ashkar and lately I’ve been struggling here at Syracuse University. I feel like everything is just hitting all at once—essays, projects, readings, homework, worksheets—and it never […]
So Far Away From Home
My name is Zainab Abdali and I’m a freshman here at Syracuse University, with a major in English and Textual Studies. I am Pakistani – I was born and raised […]